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Thematic Current Affairs-13 Science & Technology 2 (Nano-Technology)

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Categories: Thematic Current Affairs

Current affairs play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between different phases of the UPSC CSE (Civil Services Examination) and serve as a vital pathway to attain success in this formidable test. These contemporary developments take various forms in the exam, appearing directly or indirectly. In the preliminary stage, they manifest in both clear-cut and context-driven questions. GS SCORE Prelims Sampoorna, a compilation for UPSC CSE Prelims 2024, provides invaluable insights into this dynamic theme, aiding candidates in their quest for success in the preliminary examination.

Theme 2 for Science & Technology is ‘Nanotechnology’. Nanotechnology is a cutting-edge field that holds immense potential for transforming various sectors. This theme delves into the world of nanoscale materials and applications, covering topics such as Nanomaterials, Nanomedicine, Nanoelectronics, and Nanotechnology in Environmental Management. The current affairs related to nanotechnology have been meticulously categorized, enabling aspirants to navigate this complex field with ease.

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