UPSC Prelims 2022 Current Affairs Yearly Compilation - Polity
Published: 3rd Mar, 2022
As UPSC Prelims 2022 is about to happen within a few months. Indian Polity contributes a significant portion inUPSC Prelims Exam,as every year UPSC asks around 12 to 15 questions from this subject. TheUPSC Prelims syllabusmentions it as “Indian Polity and Governance -Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc” thus a significant portion is expected fromcurrent developmentsin Indian Polityapart from concepts and static part.
GS Score's Prelims Sampoorna Yearly Current affairs Compilation of Polity covers 100+ topics from All Newspaper/PIB/Magazinesincluding all the relevant issues with facts and Concepts in crisp Prelims Pointers. This compilation will be your companion till prelims for the overall revision of the subject.