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There is a growing divergence in the relationship between poverty and hunger in India. The shrinking of social expenditure by the government is forcing the poor to spend more on Non- Food essential items squeezing their food - budget. Elucidate.

  1. Briefly discuss the less expenditure of India on health and education in comparison with world which has led to diversion of money from food to no-food items. (30 words)
  2. Discuss how has pressure on private purse of individuals have been burdened by expenditure on private health and education coupled with modern amenities such as telecom and internet services which has led to less expenditure on non-food items. (60 words)
  3. Discuss the initiatives taken by government in social sector services and conclude with need to provide more subsidies along with betterment in public services. (40 words)
  4. Conclusion (20 words)

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