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Geography Optional Question Paper-1&2 (2016)

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Geography Optional Question Paper-1 (2016)


1. Answer the following in about 150 words each: 10×5=50

  1. Describe the “Basket of eggs topography” 10
  2. Differentiate between insolation and temperature and explain anomalous temperature. 10
  3. Discuss Maritimes Zones. 10
  4. Bring out the ecological significance of Tropical Rainforest Biome. 10
  5. Explain the hydro-meteorological hazards in the Himalayas. 10


  1. “In explaining the concept of ‘Pediplanation’, King combined the ideas of Davis, Penck and Wood with his own.” Elaborate. 20
  2. Compare the origin and weather conditions associated with the tropical and temperate cyclones. 15
  3. give a reasoned account on how the impact of Global Warming differs from one part of the Earth to the other. 15


  1. Discuss the significance of World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and its core projects in the understanding of climatic change. 20
  2. “The relationship between the winds and the currents is best seen in the Indian Ocean.” Justify. 15
  3. Write a critical note on the tendency of “use and throw” in the context of economic status and environment. 15


  1. Bring out the various ecological problems associated with the exploitation and use of oceans and their resources. 20
  2. “Geological structure has a dominant control on landforms and is reflected on them.” Discuss. 15
  3. Describe Newbigin’s scheme of Floristic regions of the world and explain the Mediterranean Floristic region. 15


5. Answer the following in about 150 words each: 10×5=50

  1. “Areal differentiation forms the core theme in Geography.” Explain. 10
  2. Explain ‘Isodapane’ 10
  3. Discuss the major characteristics of ‘CBD’. 10
  4. Elaborate the idea of ‘Compage’. 10.
  5. Discuss the application of Gravity model in Geographical studies. 10


  1. Trace the origin and progress of Quantitative Revolution in Geography and bring out its merits and demerits. 20
  2. Discuss the role of site in determining the types and patterns of rural settlements. 15
  3. What is a ‘region’? Describe ‘Thiessen’ polygon method of regional delimitation. 15


  1. Describe the regional pattern of life Life Expectancy in the world and bring out the challenges faced by developing countries due to increasing life expectancy. 20
  2. Discuss the relevance of ‘Stop and Go Determinism’ in the present day context. 15
  3. Define and differrentiate between boundaries and frontiers. Describe the geometrical
    boundaries with suitable examples. 15


  1. Give a critical account of Losch’s theory of central places. 20
  2. “Linkages between resource-endowed regions and resource-utilizing regions determine the pattern of international trade.” Elaborate with suitable examples. 15
  3. In what ways can geographers contribute towards optimal land use planning in a region? 15


Geography Optional Question Paper-2 (2016)



(a). On the outline map of India provided to you, mark the location of all the following. Write in your QCA Booklet the significance of these locations whether physical/ commercial/ economic/ ecological/ environmental / cultural, in not more than 30 words for each entry:

  1. Pir Panjal Range
  2. River Indravati
  3. Nathu La Pass
  4. Jog Falls
  5. Pulicat Lake
  6. Kudankulam
  7. Nalanda
  8. Kudremukh
  9. Headquarters of N-E Railways
  10. Farakka Barrage

(b). Explain the shifting of river courses and river capturing in the Himalayas. (In about 150 words) 20

(c). Mention the space relationship of India with neighbouring countries. (In about 150 words) 15

(d). Define agricultural intensity and bring out its regional distribution in India. (In about 150 words) 15


  1. Discuss the role of spatial pattern of rainfall and temperature in the delimitation of climatic regions of India especially with reference to Stamp’s climatic regionalization. (In about 250 words) 20
  2. Describe the flood-prone areas and their management problems in the Ganga Plains. (In about 250 words) 15
  3. Explain the New Industrial Policies in India. (In about 200 words) 15


  1. Identify the important biotic resource regions of India and highlight their problems. (In about 250 words) 20
  2. Point out the ethnic disparities in the N-E India. (In about 200 words) 15
  3. Give an account of the development of renewable resources of India. (In about 200 words) 15


  1. Bring out the development of river water transport in India and its role in regional development. (In about 250 words) 20
  2. Explain the impact of economic development on environmental degradation in India. (In about 200 words). 15
  3. Describe the distribution of black soils in India and their specific use for agriculture. (In about 200 words) 15


5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:

  1. Discuss the factors influencing the distribution of sex ratio in India. 10
  2. “the Bokaro Iron and Steel Plant is an example of Industrial Complex.” Explain, 10
  3. How do slum develop? Give concrete suggestions for their improvement. 10
  4. Explain the role of India in the geo-politics of South Asia. 10
  5. Analyze the pattern of India’s trade with the S-E Asian countries. 10


  1. Present a comparative analysis of geographical factors responsible for distribution of human settlements in Rajasthan desert and North-Eastern regions of India. (In about 250 words). 20
  2. Explain with suitable examples the role of road transport in agricultural development in India. (In about 200 words) 15
  3. Evaluate the impact of technology on resource utilization in India. (In about 200 words) 15


  1. Analyze the location, distributional pattern and problems of cotton textile industries in India. (In about 250 words) 20
  2. Describe the major tribal regions of India and their problems. (In about 200 words) 15
  3. Examine the causes of regional disparities in economic development in India. (In about 200 words) 15


  1. “Describe the causes and effects of urbanization in India and explain its impact on rural landscape and urban ecology. (In about 250 words) 20
  2. “India has paid heavily for achievement of Green Revolution in the form of economic, social and ecological cost.” Discuss. (In about 200 words) 15
  3. Explain the origin, dimension and implications of Sino-Indian border dispute. (In about 200 words) 15

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