Model Answer
- The question points towards various paradigms of PA.
- Write chronologically about each of them.
- Highlight important characteristics of each.
Paradigm 1: Politics/Administration Dichotomy, 1900- 1926
- (Traditional/Classical) tradition (Woodrow Wilson, Frank Goodnow), provided the rationale for PA to be an academic discipline and professional specialty.
- Wilson was credited for positing the existence of major distinction between Politics/Administration or what became known as P/A dichotomy.
- The role of politics has something to do with policies or the expressions of the will of state while administration, with execution.
- “Introduction to the Study of Public Administration” by L.D. White, made a distinction the PA is a value free science that aims at economy and efficiency
Paradigm 2: The Principles of Administration 1927-37
- W.F. Willoughby published “Principles of Public Administration.
- Advocated the idea of Principles in Administration.
- LOCUS was lost to the FOCUS on Principles.
- Theses principles could be applied anywhere of the PA.
- In 1937, Gulick and Urwick published, “Papers on the Science of Administration.
- Gave Seven Principles POSDCORB.
The Challenge to Paradigm 3: 1938-1950
- C.I. Barnard’s “The Function of Executive” gave Challenge through his theory that:
- Politics-PA Dictomy is wrong.
- Principles of PA to be abandoned.
- F.M. Marx questioned in his book “Elements of Public Administration”, that the Decisions were actually influenced by Politics.
- “The theory of PA in our times means in our time a theory of Politics also”
- Herbert Simon in 1947 in his book “Administrative Behaviour: A study of Decision Making Processes in Administration Organisation”, said Every principle could be neglected by a Counter Principle
Reaction to the Challenge: 1947-1950
- Simon suggested:
- Pure Science of PA on basis of social-psychology.
- Public Policy should be part of PA
- Political Scientist feared secession of PA from Political Science.
- A leading journal “American Political Science Review” mentioned, ‘Dominion of Political Science over PA should be maintained’.
Paradigm 3: Public Administration as Political Science 1950-1970
- It resulted in loss of FOCUS of PA.
- While LOCUS was maintained as the Governmental Bureaucracy.
- The influence of this paradigm was that, PA was just an ‘Area of Interest’ of Political Science.
- PA was mentioned as “Intellectual Wasteland”.
- The impact of Political Science over PA was:
- – Democratic
- – Pluralistic Polity
- – Political Participation
- – Equality under Law
Paradigm 4: Public Administration as Management 1956-1970
- Developed by side by side to Paradigm 3.
- It lost its identity behind some ‘Larger’ concept.
- FOCUS was in some specialized technique and expertise.
- In 1956, “Administrative Science Quaterly” was founded for both Public & Private Administration.
- A artificial distinction between Business and Public Administration was removed due to same techniques and Expertise in administration.
- In 1968, Minnowbrook Conference was organized and “NPA” was born.
- PA showed disinclination towards economy, administrative techniques, budgeting etc. It called to free PA both from Political Science and management to help discipline identify its uniqueness and identity
Paradigm 5: Public Administration as Public Administration 1970-Present
- It distinguishes it both from Political Science and Management.
- It is viewed as return of LOCUS of PA.
- In 1970, The National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration(NASPAA) was established.
Paradigm 6: Emergence of Governance 1990- Present
- It doesn’t replaced Paradigm 5 but evolved side by side.
- Some trends were developed as Globalisation, Redefining Government as Partner, Treating citizens as customers.
- Governence is seen as a joint responsibility of Public, Private and Non-Profit organisations.
- Less Government and more Governance was emphasized.
- Trend was from “Hierarchical Govt” to “Horizontal Governing”.
- Government today is Sum Total of Laws, Policies, Organisations, Institutions, Co0operative Arrangements.
- The Rockefeller Foundation in US facvoured separation of PA from politics but emphasized the role of administration in policy formulation.
- “Refounding Movement” argued for Constitutionally based Policy roles for Administrators..
- A new role of PA was in ‘Policy Making’
New Paradigms in Public Administration
- Reinventing Government
- The New Public Management
- New Public Services
- Post-Modern Public Administration
- E-Governance