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How To Spot Errors In Essay Writing For IAS Exam

Students often stumbles upon a single question How to write a good answer in Mains exam that is error free and presentable too. The question bear more semblance Million dollar question! Especially in the given scenario when good marks in IAS Mains Exam is distant dream. Mains examination questions of general studies unfolded many thing, about word limit, approach to the questions, analytical demand of the question, and many turn and twist attached to most of the question in the form of common instructions i.e. Analyse, Critically analyse, discuss, evaluate, explain etc. these are called directives of questions. The main concern of most of students is how to approach or analyze a question so that an answer could be written in such a way that it fulfills demands of question and thus fetching more marks.

One thing that has the most weightage is spotting errors in your answers by yourself and then find a suitable means to rectify these errors. But the biggest problems lies here is to find that error which has more damage potential to your answer. Finding this most potential or hot error could change your answer manifold. The Hotspot program launched by GS Score is such a program that has been designed to spot the most prominent error in your answer and finding a meaningful solution so that your answer could become more refined, structured and inclusive and thus fetching more marks.

Hotspot is an interactive answer writing session that aims to identify spot that need to be strengthened more.  Through the help of this initiative you will be able to take specific and corrective measures to improve those errors that was the main hindrance in the previous years. The answer writing and error finding could be better understood with the help of essay writing as this area encapsulates almost all possible dimensions and fields in which students have to face problem.

The essay writing could be better understood under the following headings:

Relevant Write Up:

The relevant write up is something that actually ornate your essay from start to end. For making your essay more relevant and exclusive the following things must be kept in mind:

    • Topic clarity must be there as the entire structuring of essay and further brainstorming hovers around the topic. If topic is unclear student might get swayed or distracted from original theme
    • Good content is soul of your essay that actually force reader or invigilator to read and award marks
    • One need to develop key ideas around the topic and to make it more clear through proper demonstration of suitable examples

Good Content:

The good content has following dimensions that must be adhered :

    • Underlying Meaning: Whatever topic is chosen the meaning should be precisely clear as the further steps totally depends on its meaning. Sometimes students get the meaning of topic directly from the topic when the topic is general while in case of philosophical topics they need to churn their thoughts and extract the meaning hidden.
    • Brainstorming: The brainstorming is the second and most vital step that helps one to gather few points around which the entire story has to be created. First and foremost step in this process is to fix scope or boundary under which you have to play with. Brainstorming has two points: one is to interact with topic and second part is jotting down points and proceed forward with these points.
    • Assessing Information Depth: It solely depends upon the nature of topic and its scope and it meaning underlying. Through proper assessment of information underlying one can develop a structure and flow of the essay.
    • Crafting of Essay: Crafting simply means ordering , paragraphing, linkages, closing and opening of an idea and signpost etc.
    • Gradual Improvement: Writing a good essay is not an overnight job rather it takes year long practice and sustained effort to gain mastery.

Few mistakes that are often committed by students while writing essay:

  1. Ambiguity of topic or non clarity of topic
  2. Keywords Hooked
  3. Emotion and preconceived notion dominates
  4. Inability of writing introduction and conclusion of essay
  5. Unawareness regarding where to start and where to end
  6. Over emphasized approach over a certain areas
  7. Repetitiveness

For more clarity watch this video of Manoj K Jha (Expert on Contemporary Issues, Director GS Score) on Answer and Copy Discussion of Essay Writing will help You a lot.

The above mentioned spots are few areas where one need to put more efforts and time. All these sectors must be improvised and rectified before writing. The hot-spot initiative will help you in identifying these weaker portions and improvising them gradually and consistently.

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