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How To Write A Good Argumentative Essay

Writing a splendid essay in Civil Services Exam is a herculean task as only a unique and exclusive content woven around an idea could result in a outstanding essay. It is mandatory to write an exclusive content for fetching more marks in Essay. Building of arguments in Essay is also a prerequisite for writing a good essay in IAS Mains Exam.  An argument is a statement you make to persuade readers to agree with your opinion. This will usually be in the form of a paragraph and shows the importance of the point you are making. After taking position while argument in essay, you select a particular dimension and analyze it by brainstorming over and around the chosen dimension. All the chosen dimensions need to be analyzed critically by supportive argument or counterargument.

A perfect example of argument Essay is Copy of Khushboo Lather, IAS (AIR 98, CSE 2018)

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Further, the arguments are supported by giving examples. Sometimes a topic will be quite abstract and it is important to that you need to use examples to support the points you are putting. You cannot put a vague argument or a hypothetical argument just for the sake of giving dimensions to the essay. All the arguments, you are putting should be supported by valid ideas, knowledge and experience. 

To use suitable examples, we must choose the dimensions first, which may be chosen by using any set of categories of dimensions. Now, arguments are built after selection of dimensions and supported by providing some current data, historical background, any new development or finding etc. The choice of facts or data used as an example should be valid and correct.

Steps for making arguments

  • Brainstorm and chose the appropriate dimensions
  • Critically analyse it by all the possible dimensions
  • Support or reject the topic by putting the argument or counter argument
  • Provide suitable examples
  • Conclude

Use of Examples to support the argument


Topic- History shows crisis either leads to solution or catastrophe.

Here, the Environment, Economy, technology, polity, law, governance, education, profession and religion dimensions are chosen to set the context of the essay. We move through each dimension by putting arguments and give supportive examples.

  1. Historical Crisis

Argument: Human civilisation faced the wrath of floods and changing river courses.

Example: The same crisis of rivers became boon for few and bane for another. Ex Indus Valley Civilisation became extinct due to several reasons, including flooding.

Counter Argument: But the same floods led to some flourishing civilisationsby increasing the fertility of the soil in these regions.

Example: civilisations like Mauryan Empire and Chalukaya kingdom.

IAS Topper: Khushboo Lather, IAS (AIR 98, CSE 2018)


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The copy of IAS Topper Khushboo Lather, IAS (AIR 98, CSE 2018) can be of best help regarding developing a better understanding of analysis of Essay and the way of building arguments in an essay.

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