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Importance of Socio religious reforms and movements in UPSC Prelims

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Categories: Prelims, Published: 10th Apr, 2021

UPSC Exam is a unique exam that tests an individual on various grounds. The commission not only tests the knowledge and shrewdness of an individual but persistence and perseverance also. The structure and syllabus of the exam have been designed in such a way that it is both objective and subjective in nature. The inclusion of various subjects in the Civil Services Exam has the sole purpose to prepare a civil servant ready in diverse fields so that in every sphere a solid policy could be formulated that is benevolent for all.

History is the core fundamental subject in the syllabus of the UPSC Civil Services Exam. In Civil Services Prelims Exam the questions often arise from Indian history only. The previous year's questions reflect that the maximum number of questions have been asked from Socio religious reforms and movements. The Indian Renaissance period has been given maximum weightage in Civil Services Exam as it encapsulates social political and economic revival in itself. These reforms and movements were not only for the eradication of social evils only but they were intended to transform Indian Society into a modern and educated society that will embrace the entire world.

Although religious reform remains embedded in these movements yet none of them can be called religious in character totally. The approach of these movements was humanist in nature and they outrightly rejected salvation and otherworldliness. The 19th century saw the emergence of various reforms movement that challenged the hegemony of age-old traditions and order and tried to establish a society that was based on equality, liberty, and free from social evils. The social reformers like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Dayanand Saraswati, Jyotiba Phule, and Debendranath Tagore raised their voices against the social evils that plagued the society in that period. The religious reform formed a  prerequisite for social reforms as the social life of both Hindus and Muslims was influenced by religious tenets. There was the supremacy of superstitions and priests in the Hindu religion. Idolatry, animal sacrifice, physical torture was common to appease the god. The social life too was depressing. Sati, female infanticide, child marriage and social boycott of widows were common. The questions on almost all these things have been asked in the exam. The various societies and institutions formed by the social reformers are also the vital areas from where the maximum questions arise.

The changing pattern of prelims exam has discarded the rudimentary approach of mugging up the facts and focused more on analysis-based approach. This has seen a surge in the questions based on more deep knowledge. The prelims exam is now focused on more factual and detailed knowledge. Because of this, one should delve deeper into NCERT books. The static portion should be targeted from these books only. But sometimes going through NCERT Books can be a time-intensive approach. At this point in time, one needs to have a book that can serve all relevant information in point form. Fact File of Socio-Religious Reforms and Movements by GS Score could be a one-stop solution in this regard. This fact file provides all necessary information that is relevant from an exam point of view in one place. Apart from this it also helps you in revision and note-making.


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