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18th September 2024 (10 Topics)

A Climate Crisis Agenda Remains Urgent

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India's climate action efforts are entering a critical phase as the country sets ambitious targets for 2030. Despite progress in renewable energy, coal dependence remains high, with clean energy constituting only 22% of the electricity mix. Urgent environmental issues such as heat stress, air quality, waste management, and energy efficiency require immediate attention to align with rising energy demands.

Mitigating Pollutants

  • Vulnerability to Heat Stress: India faces significant risks from heat stress, potentially encountering heat waves beyond human survivability limits. Mitigating CO2 and short-lived climate pollutants like methane is essential, as these super pollutants have a much greater short-term warming impact.
  • Targeted Approaches to Climate Change: Addressing climate challenges through tailored treaties can enhance accountability under the Paris Agreement. Learning from the Montreal Protocol's success with the Kigali Amendment, a focus on reducing methane emissions could prevent nearly 0.3°C of warming by the 2040s.
  • Comprehensive Air Quality Management: Improving air quality requires five key actions: collective responsibility, investment in clean air initiatives, sustainable development integration, data-driven interventions, and recognizing air quality's economic benefits. Consistent efforts are necessary to tackle air pollution as a persistent issue.

Importance of Carbon Markets

  • Role of Carbon Markets: Carbon markets can incentivize greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions by offering financial rewards for emission cuts. With the goal of limiting temperature rise to 1.5-2°C, a reduction of at least 43% in global GHG emissions is required, making these markets essential for achieving this target.
  • India’s Carbon Market Plans: India aims to launch its 'India Carbon Market' in 2026, potentially establishing the world’s largest emissions trading system by 2030. This could help meet Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and avoid $35 trillion in climate-related costs over the next 50 years.
  • Nuanced Approaches to Emission Metrics: Current carbon trading metrics aggregate all pollutants into CO2 equivalents, which can obscure the distinct impacts of different pollutants. Separating long-lived pollutants from short-lived climate pollutants in carbon markets could yield more effective climate action.

Governance and Political Engagement

  • Need for a Nodal Authority: Establishing a constitutional nodal authority for climate action is essential for ensuring coordinated, pre-emptive measures with timelines across government tiers. This would facilitate accountability and effective governance in tackling climate issues.
  • Political Will and Public Engagement: The 2024 Lok Sabha elections showed a troubling neglect of climate issues, despite public demand. The absence of a strong political commitment to climate action exacerbates vulnerabilities, particularly for the economically disadvantaged, who prioritize immediate survival.
  • Integrating Climate into Political Agendas: For meaningful progress, climate action must become central to political agendas, moving beyond token gestures. Climate-progressive leadership is necessary to foster a sustainable and equitable future for India.
Practice Question

Q. Discuss the importance of establishing a robust carbon market in India and evaluate its potential impact on achieving the country’s climate targets and mitigating environmental challenges. What governance structures are essential to support this initiative?


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