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20th January 2023 (7 Topics)

A Hollow Peace Offer


  • The recent remarks of Pakistan’s Prime Minister on India-Pakistan relations are seen as a positive step for both countries, though with a conditionality.

The Unexpected remarks from Pakistan:

  • Talks for peace: Pakistan has called for serious and sincere talks to resolve burning issues like Kashmir and to resolve flagrant human rights violations in Kashmir and the persecution of minorities in India.
  • Called UAE for mediation: Pakistan has taken up the issues with the UAE president during his recent visit, as its president could play a very important role in bringing the two countries to the talking table.
  • On the Kashmir issue: Its talk of building peace has always been conditional on the resolution of the Kashmir issue and the settlement of the Kashmir dispute must be in accordance with the UN resolutions and aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.
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