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27th November 2023 (11 Topics)

‘Amplifi 2.0 portal’ for Urban Development


Recently, the Urban Affairs Ministry aims to provide data on Indian cities via dedicated portal.

The Need:

  • The Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs is making raw data from Indian cities available on a single platform for academics, researchers, and stakeholders to help data-driven policy making.
  • India has been witnessing rapid urbanisation over the last few years.
  • By 2030, India is projected to have 60 crore (40%) of the population living in urban areas compared with 37.7 crore (31%) in 2011.
  • According to the 2011 Census, urban India contributed 63% to the country’s GDP, and this is projected to increase to 75% by 2030.

About the Portal:

  • The Amplifi 2.0 (Assessment and Monitoring Platform for Liveable, Inclusive and Future-ready urban India) portal was launched by the Ministry three weeks ago.
  • Currently, 258 urban local bodies have been on-boarded, and data for 150 cities is available on the portal.
  • Issue: A lack of data maturity in cities, and thus only 150 ULBs were able to share their data.
  • Steps: Data quality parameters to every city have been sent by the ministry
  • The Ministry used data provided by ULBs to rank cities based on four indices — the Ease of Living Index, Municipal Performance Index, Climate Smart Cities Assessment Framework, and Data Maturity Assessment Framework.

Application and Future aspirations:

  • Data from the more than 4,000 Urban Local Bodies will eventually be made available on the portal.
  • Types of Data: For example,
    • the total diesel consumption;
    • the number of samples tested for water quality;
    • the average annual expenditure on healthcare;
    • the total number of people residing in slums; the fatalities recorded due to road accidents.
  • The government is also planning to bring out different reports on subsets of the four indices.
  • The Urban Outcomes Framework 2022, which has been developed for the Ministry by the National Institute of Urban Affairs and Ernst and Young, shifts the focus from the indices to the data with a comprehensive list of indicators.
  • With this, data across 14 sectors is streamlined to increase focus on data collection, and disaggregated data can be analysed by domain experts.
  • The initiative also provides the opportunity to create new frameworks based on open data.
  • The 14 sectors are — demography, economy, education, energy, environment, finance, governance, health, housing, mobility, planning, safety and security, solid waste management, and water and sanitation.

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