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2-Day Bootcamp on Essay Writing
30th July 2022 (7 Topics)

Coastal Security


Coastal monitoring and surveillance is being carried out on real time basis by Indian Coast Guard.


  • Chain of Static Sensors (CSS) consisting of 46 radar stations which have been established under Coastal Surveillance Network (CSN).
  • Coastal Surveillance System through Chain of Coastal High Definition Surface Warning Radars is one of the means through which Coastal Security is being implemented.
  • The radars have been installed since 2011.

Steps taken by the Government

Steps taken by the Government to strengthen the coastal security and protect the vulnerable coastal ecosystem from further climatic degradation are as follows:

  • Deployment of ships and aircrafts for surveillance on daily basis to ensure maritime law enforcement, coastal security, pollution response, search & rescue and other charted/mandated duties towards public function.
  • Coordination with major and non-major ports by ships on patrol and surveillance through Coastal Security.
  • Promulgation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Coastal Security in all Coastal States/UTs by ICG for coordination between all stakeholders.
  • Conduct of Coastal Security exercises and Coastal Security Operations.
  • Integration with coastal community through Community Interaction Programmes (CIPs) to bring awareness amongst fisher folk for strengthening coastal security mechanism.
  • Capacity building and training of Marine Police and Joint Coastal Patrol (JCP) by Indian Coast Guard.
  • Launch of campaign on plastic free seas under the aegis of 'Puneet Sagar Abhiyan' and 'Swachh Sagar Abhiyan' in collaboration with NGOs and NCC to collect plastics running into oceans through land sources.
  • Deployment of Pollution Response Vessels and teams for oil spill response to protect marine ecosystem. 

Indian Coastline:

  • India has a coastline of 7516.6 Km [6100 km of mainland coastline + coastline of 1197 Indian islands] touching 13 States and Union Territories (UTs).
  • The straight and regular coastline of India is the result of faulting of the Gondwanaland during the Cretaceous period.




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