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15th November 2022 (7 Topics)

15th November 2022

Mains Question:

Q. India is quickly urbanising and is on track to overtake China as the world's most populated nation, which would significantly strain city infrastructure and liveability in cities. Discuss in this regard the issues being faced by the cities in adapting to the rising demand of urbanisation.


  • The question is analytical in nature.
  • Introduce the status of urbanization in India with its underlying causes.
  • Discuss about Global Urbanization.
  • Describe the urbanization prospects in India
    • World Urbanization Prospects Report by UNDESA
    • State-wise Scenario
    • India’s Global Commitments regarding Urban Development
  • Mention the initiatives taken by Government of India
    • Smart Cities
    • AMRUT Mission
    • Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban
    • PradhanMantriAwasYojana-Urban
    • PradhanMantriGaribKalyanYojana
  • Significance of Urban Living
    • Easier Access to Facilities (education, better health, longer life expectancy, greater access to social services and enhanced opportunities for cultural and political participation)
    • Access to Information
    • Individualism
  • Discuss the concerns related to Infrastructure in cities
    • Cities face significant challenges to mobilize the needed finance for these needs, and the financing gap is large.
    • Excessive Population Pressure on cities
    • Overflowing Slums
    • Inadequate Housing
    • Unplanned Development
    • Non-Inclusive Welfare Schemes
    • Rise in poverty due to COVID-19 and inflation
  • Way forward
    • Sustainable Urbanization for Successful Development
    • Improving Access to Health Facilities & Welfare Schemes
    • New Approaches for Urbanisation and effective governance are the need of the hour.
  • Conclusion


  • This article ponders upon the idea of bringing reforms in the economic ideology so that majority gets the benefit and not just a tiny minority on the top.
Dead-end ahead:             
  • Social security in a distorted economy: The task of air distribution of opportunities is difficult for the justice system and the government until the economy generates sufficient employment.
  • Conflicting Demands: Governments are struggling to establish a balance between ‘ease of doing business” for capital, and “ease of earning and living” for citizens.
  • Reality Check: Every human society must provide a reason for its inequalities else it is in danger of collapse. There still exists a divide between the least favored class and meritocracy.
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