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18th February 2022 (6 Topics)

18th February 2022

QUIZ - 18th February 2022

5 Questions

5 Minutes

Mains Question:

Q1. The dynamics of education and its role in national development and social transformation make it essential that educational programs keep continuously renewing in order to maintain its relevance to the changing societal needs, and to the emerging national development priorities. Analyse (250 words)


  • Introduction- brief about literacy rate in India and the growth status
  • Role of education in national growth and social transformation
  • Challenges/gaps in India
  • Discuss recent government policies and schemes
  • Required measures
  • Conclusion

Q2. Green hydrogen is an untapped opportunity that can help India in the energy transition. Comment (150 words)


  • India’s commitment to reducing the greenhouse gas effect
  • Brief about green hydrogen and how it can help in the energy transition
  • Challenges
  • Way forward


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