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24th December 2022 (7 Topics)

24th December 2022

QUIZ - 24th December 2022

5 Questions

5 Minutes

Mains Question:

Question: The National food Security Act (NFSA) 2013 has been an important landmark in transition of India from Welfare to Right based approach in achieving food security for all. In light of the statement discuss the responsibilities of Food Corporation of India and challenges faced by it for the implementation of NFSA 2013? (250 words)

  • Question Mapping
    • Subject: Polity & Governance (GS-II)
      • Sub-topic: Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Centre and States and the performance of these schemes
  • Introduction: Initiate with the objectives of National Food Security Act 2013 of India.
  • In short explain how it has helped in changing the approach from welfare to Rights basedfor food security for all in India.
  • For accomplishing the objective of food security highlight the responsibilities of Food Corporation of India.
  • Also discuss the challenges faced by FCIin the implementation of NFSA 2013.
  • Concludewith the importance of Right based approach in achieving food security and achievement of SDG-2: Zero Hunger.



It is crucial for the government to make private healthcare affordable alongside expanding public healthcare.

India’s Performance

  • Low Expenditure on Health: India ranks poorly on multiple health financing indicators. Its public health expenditure is a percentage of its GDP (1.28%).
  • Comparative performance: The share of general government expenditure dedicated to health (4.8%) remains akin to the poorest countries. Per capita, health spending growth has not kept pace with rising incomes.
  • Higher Healthcare cost: Private spending constitutes nearly 60% of overall expenditure on health, indicating a dominant role. It increases the burden of personal expenditure on health.
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