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27th October 2022 (6 Topics)

27th October 2022

QUIZ - 27th October 2022

5 Questions

5 Minutes

Mains Question:

Question: “In the Indian agriculture, adoption of technology can bring about a paradigm shift. However, adoption of new technology in the agriculture space has been far behind the curve compared to other sectors.” In the light of this statement, disused the challenges faced by the sector and also suggest measures to improve the technological rigour and resilience of the sector. (150 words)

Question Mapping

  • Subject: Economy (GS-III)
  • Sub-topic: Agriculture


  • Introduction- brief about agriculture sector and its contribution to the economy 
  • Challenges 
  • Discuss how technology can bring revolution 
  • Suggest policy intervention 
  • Conclude accordingly 



Recently, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) announced the removal of Pakistan from its “Grey List.”

Role of FATF:

  • A Global Watchdog: The FATF sets global standards for countering the menace of money laundering to further counter the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
  • Works under a rules-based order: The FATF seeks to fulfill its three-pronged mandate by drawing up a list of guidelines (“FATF Recommendations” or “FATF Standards”) to ensure a coordinated global response to prevent organized crime, corruption, and terrorism.
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