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28th December 2022 (7 Topics)

28th December 2022

QUIZ - 28th December 2022

5 Questions

5 Minutes

Mains Question:

Question: The green hydrogen has potential to become a major source of energy and make agricultural system more sustainable. Discuss in light of the statement the importance and challenges faced by India in the transition in green hydrogen economy?

Question Mapping

  • Subject: Economy (GS-III)
    • Sub- topic: Infrastructure: Energy, Ports, Roads, Airports, Railways etc
  •  Subject: Environment (GS-III)
    • Sub-topic: Conservation of Environment
  • Introductionwith recent investment in green hydrogen projects in India.
  • In short discuss about green hydrogen and its benefitsin Indian energy and agricultural system.
  • Now discuss the importance and challenges associatedwith the transition of India towards green hydrogen economy.
  • Concludewith the economic development and environmental conservation along with achieving a goal of sustainable food system.




This article ponders upon the fact that despite being the largest migrant-sending country, India has yet to have a comprehensive migration policy that upholds worker rights.

Data on migration

  • International Organization of Migration (IOM)’s World Migration Report 2022: There were 281 million international migrants globally in 2020, with nearly two-thirds being labour migrants.
  • Larger pool of migrants: South Asia’s share is nearly 40%; further, the South Asia-Gulf Migratory corridor is the world’s largest migrant corridor. Migration is not uniform across the world and is shaped by corridors developed over many years.
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