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30th May 2022 (6 Topics)

30th May 2022

QUIZ - 30th May 2022

5 Questions

5 Minutes

Mains Question:

Question: The everrising prevalence of infertility has lead to increase in surrogacy as an alternative. In this regard, discuss the concerns related to surrogacy in the culturally enriched country like India. (250 words)


  • Introduction surrogacy in India
  • Current regulations and laws
  • Challenges/issues in India
  • Required measures
  • Conclude accordingly


The Quad has emerged stronger and clearer in its strategy and goals for the security and prosperity of the Indo-Pacific. The efforts by the Quad should be viewed from the wider context of international developments and consolidation of the bilateral relations within, especially US ­ India ties.

Countering China’s Dominance

  • China Centrality: The central driving force of the Quad is to counter China’s growing expansionism and belligerence. Quad countries in the recent summit reaffirmed their resolve to uphold the international rules based order where countries are free from all forms of military, economic and political coercion.
  • China as glue and fuel: China is not only the glue that holds the Quad together; it is also the fuel that may, through Beijing’s bad behaviour in the future, drive the grouping’s inner consolidation, as shown by an expanding agenda.
  • Resilience against risks: The Common Statement of Principles on Critical Technology Supply Chains advances cooperation on semiconductors and other critical technologies, providing a cooperative foundation for enhancing resilience against various risks to the region.
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