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5th January 2023 (6 Topics)

5th January 2023

QUIZ - 5th January 2023

5 Questions

5 Minutes

Mains Question:

Question: Analyse why the functions of local self-government are limited despite constitutional mandate. Also discuss the challenges associated with the implementation of local self-government and suggest measures for its smooth functioning.

 Question Mapping:

  • Subject: Indian Polity and Governance (GS-II)
    • Sub-topic: Devolution of powers and finances up to local levels and challenges therein.


  • Introduction with what is local self-government in India.
  • In short analyse the Constitutional backing for the independent functioning of local self-governance but why it is still limited in its autonomous functioning.
  • Now discuss the challenges associated with the implementation of local self-governance as per the Indian Constitution.
  • Here some measures have to be suggested for the smooth functioning of local self-governance.
  • Conclude with the importance of autonomous functioning of local self-governance which is also the third tier of Indian federalism.




Details of Index of Eight Core Industries: 


  • Overall growth observed: The output across the core industries, spanning coal to electricity, grew by an average 5.4%. Double-digit expansions in cement, coal, electricity and steel led the index higher.
  • Sector-wise growth: Contractions in six of the eight sectors has been observed except for production of coal and cement, signalling that non-power demand for coal and construction activity.
  • Positive Outcomes: The 12.3% year-on-year and 15.1% sequential expansion in coal output indicates an improvement in availability of the fuel to fire captive power plants and furnaces in the crucial process and metal-making industries.
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