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7th November 2022 (7 Topics)

7th November 2022

Mains Question:

Question: Describe how India's economic and security interests in Southeast Asia are being seriously harmed by the ongoing standoff in Myanmar. (150 words)


  • The demand of the question is analytical in nature.
  • Introduce with the current status of Myanmar polity.
  • Mention India’s relation with Myanmar and with its military in specific.
    • Act east policy
  • Describe the threats it poses to India’s interests
    • Infrastructure and Connectivity
    • Border security
    • Rohingya issues
    • Investment
    • Energy sector
  • Conclusion 



The profession of Architecture lacks protection from market forces and its rival engineering counterparts. It is suffering from similar dilemmas that existed 50 years ago.

A legal route is futile

  • ‘Profession’of Architecture: Architecture emerged as a distinct profession and formed an influential association in the 19th century in the UK, but that was not the case in India.
  • Architects Act (1972): The act failed to render architectural services exclusive to architects, and many building services were found to be overlapping with those of engineers.
  • Acts do not guarantee excellence: Choking regulations are counterproductive; market forces are powerful and can countervail barriers to competition.
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