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9th March 2022 (6 Topics)

9th March 2022

QUIZ - 9th March 2022

5 Questions

5 Minutes

Mains Question:

Q1. The current global labour force participation rate for women is worrisome. Discuss how this gender gap is heavily influenced by socio-economic constraints and pressure to conform to traditional gender roles. (250 words)


  • Introduction- brief rate of global labour force participation for women (47%)
  • Discuss the situation in India
  • Impact on different sectors of society
  • Reasons behind the gender gap
  • Social constraints
  • Required policy measures
  • Conclude accordingly


Q2. Discuss the phenomenon of flash floods. Why are flash flooding becoming more frequent? (150 words)


  • Introduction- define flash floods
  • Geography behind the phenomenon
  • Reason behind increasing flash floods
  • Conclusion


It has been proven time and again that when more women enter the workforce, economies grow faster. Studies conducted in various nations have proven that there is a direct correlation between greater gender diversity and higher GDPs.

Women and Economy

  1. Economic resources and decision-making power-By empowering women, we increase their right to economic resources, as well as their decision-making powers. This, in turn, benefits their households and their communities.
  2. Human Capital- Women begin investing more in their children’s education, the quality of human capital improves, and we as a nation reap the benefits of economic prosperity.
  3. Poverty Eradication- When women are empowered, the battle to eradicate poverty is more fruitful.
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