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4th May 2022 (6 Topics)

4th May 2022

QUIZ - 4th May 2022

5 Questions

5 Minutes

Mains Question:

Q1. Discuss the Governor’s position in the Constitutional set up in India. How the post of governor is essential for the healthy functioning of democracy? (150 words)


  • Introduction- Brief about the post
  • Important constitutional provisions
  • Need and significance for the democracy
  • Recent incidents
  • Conclusion


It is unfortunate that the proposal by the Chief Justice of India (CJI) for a national judicial infrastructure corporation with corresponding bodies at the State level, did not find favour with many Chief Ministers at the recent joint conference of Chief Justices and Chief Ministers.

Need for National Judicial Infrastructure Corporation

  • Gap in Trial Courts- There are approximately 24,280 judicial officers in trial courts but only 20,143 court halls. 
  • Technological Gap- Only 27 per cent of courtrooms in the subordinate judiciary have computers on judges’ dias while there are still 10 per cent courts that do not have access to proper internet facilities.
  • Infrastructural Gap- 22 per cent trial court complexes do not have any toilet facilities for women while 16 per cent don’t have such a facility for men either.
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