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20th February 2024 (9 Topics)

Engineering graduates are steering the service industry


The services sector has become a key driver of India's economy, contributing 53% of the Gross Value Added (GVA) compared to the industry sector's 28%. This dominance is reflected in employment distribution as well, with 31% of jobs generated in the services sector, surpassing the 25% in industries.

Rise of the Services Sector

  • Dominance of Service: India's services sector contributes significantly to the Gross Value Added (GVA), surpassing the industrial sector.
  • Employment generation: The sector also accounts for a considerable portion of employment, driving demand for entry-level workers.
  • Extension of scope: This growth extends beyond IT services, encompassing retail, telecom, consulting, hospitality, banking, and healthcare.

Engineering Graduates in the Services Sector

  • Employment Trends: Due to a mismatch between engineering education and job demand, a substantial number of engineering graduates are finding employment in the services sector.
  • Qualification vs employability: Despite the technical nature of their education, many engineers are employed in non-technical roles across various service industries.
  • Skills usage: Engineers' adaptability and problem-solving skills make them valuable assets in service-oriented roles.

Need for Generic Service-Oriented Courses

  • Addressing Educational Gaps: There is a pressing need for generic service-oriented courses to prepare graduates for diverse professional challenges in white-collar service environments.
  • Broader sector & its demand: Current educational offerings in niche domains like healthcare or hospitality fail to meet the demands of the broader services sector.
  • Required skills: Developing courses that blend technical proficiency with soft skills and industry-specific knowledge is essential to meet the evolving needs of the service industry.
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