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16th May 2023 (7 Topics)

Green Open Access Rules 2022


In an attempt to enable open access to green power in the country, the government has asked the industry to set targets under Green Open Access Rules 2022.


What are Green Open Access Rules?

  • The Green Open Access Rules were notified in June 2022 to further accelerate India's renewable energy programmes. These rules were notified for promoting generation, purchase and consumption of green energy including through waste-to-energy plants.

In November 2022, a green energy open access portal, was launched allowing consumers with a 100 KW-sanctioned load to get a supply of renewables.

  • It also enables a simplified procedure for the open access to green power.
  • Green Energy Open Access Rules, 2022 are in line with NDC (nationally determined contribution) target for 2030.
    • The government has been targeting to cut emissions in India to net zero by 2070 and aims to achieve 500 GW renewable power capacity, reduce emissions by one billion tonnes and an emissions intensity of the GDP by 45 percent by 2030.

India’s renewable energy capacity

  • In March 2023, India had a renewable energy capacity of 168.96 GW, with 82 GW at different stages of implementation and 41 GW under the tendering stage.
  • This included 10.77 GW of biopower, 51.79 GW of hydel power, 64.38 GW of solar power and 42.02 GW of wind power.
  • As per the REN21 Renewables 2022 Global Status Report, India ranked 4th globally in Renewable Energy Installed capacity, wind power capacity and solar power capacity.

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