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8th September 2022 (8 Topics)

International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies


Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change organized 3rd International Day of Clean Air for blue skies as ‘Swachh Vayu Diwas (“Swachh Vayu Neel Gagan”)’ to raise awareness and facilitate actions to improve air quality under National Clean Air Programme (NCAP).


International Day of Clean Air for blue skies:

  • In 2019, UN General Assembly decided to designate 7 September as the International Day of Clean Air for blue skies, to be observed starting in 2020.
  • The resolution also prompted the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to promote the day’s observance in collaboration with other appropriate stakeholders.
  • The 2022 theme of “The Air We Share” focuses on the transboundary nature of air pollution, stressing the need for collective accountability and action.
  • It also highlights the need for immediate and strategic international and regional cooperation for more efficient implementation of mitigation policies and actions to tackle air pollution.


  • National Clean Air Programme aims at improving air quality by reducing Particulate Matter concentrations by 20-30% in 131 cities in the country.
  • It includes 123 Non-Attainment Cities (NAC) which exceed the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for 5 consecutive years and 42 Million Plus Population Cities/Urban Agglomerations. 34 cities are common in both categories.
  • During the event on Swachh Vayu Diwas, MoEFCC has released the following:
    • Guidelines on Capacity Building and Outreach programmes to be conducted at National, State and City level, help in mobilising stakeholders at all levels to promote actions to improve air quality.
    • Guidelines for release and utilization of funds under NCAP;
    • XV Finance Commission Operational guidelines for implementation of recommendations for air quality component
    • Best Practices and success stories of 8 cities under NCAP:
      1. Srinagar (All Hands on Board),
      2. Varanasi (Nothing goes to waste),
      3. Bengaluru (Clean Road, Clean City),
      4. Pune (The Right Drive),
      5. Hyderabad (The Green Way),
      6. Akola (Water Woes),
      7. Thootukudi (Treasure from Trash) and
      8. Lucknow (Under Control)

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