Maldives Foreign Minister Abdullah Shahid has been elected president of the 76th UNGA with an overwhelming majority. He received 143 votes out of 191 ballots cast, while Afghanistan’s former Foreign minister Zalmai Rassoul got 48 votes.
Maldives Foreign Minister Abdullah Shahid has been elected president of the 76th UNGA with an overwhelming majority. He received 143 votes out of 191 ballots cast, while Afghanistan’s former Foreign minister Zalmai Rassoul got 48 votes.
Procedure of Election of President
General Powers of the President
Proposed reforms
Functions and powers of United Nations General Assembly According to the Charter of the United Nations, the General Assembly may:
Over the last ten to fifteen years the political role of the General Assembly and its President has undergone a gradual and incremental enhancement. This has occurred in part because of the frustration of many Member States at the lack of reform of the Security Council. At the same time, it has become increasingly possible for small- and medium-sized countries to show leadership in the negotiations and in leading the coalitions that spearhead change and get to results. Hence the proposed reforms in such multilateral institutions are the need of the hour.
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