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Digital Marketing & its contribution to Climate Change

Published: 29th Sep, 2022


Digital Marketing is contributing to use of energy, resources and greenhouse gas emissions and thus contributing to climate change.

So let us assess the issue more precisely.


  • India is world’s third largest emitter of greenhouse gases (GHGs), after China and the US.
  • Major sources of emissions – Coal power plants, rice paddies, cattle.
  • The country has pledged:
    • a 33-35% reduction in the “emissions intensity” of its economy by 2030, compared to 2005 levels
    • Increase tree cover to create an additional cumulative carbon sinkof 2,500-3,000Mt CO2 by 2030
    • aims to install 5GW of offshore wind by 2022 and 30GW by 2030
  • India ranks second in the world on the internet using list, just after China.
  • By 2023, it is predicted that in India, there will be more than 650 million & by 2025, 900 million internet users.


What is Digital Marketing?

  • Digital marketing, also called online marketing, is the promotion of brands to connect with potential customers using the internet and other forms of digital communication.
  • This includes not only email, social media, and web-based advertising, but also text and multimedia messages as a marketing channel.

How it impacts Climate change?

  • Electricity consumption: Digital still makes use of vital and often non-renewable resources.
    • One study found that the internet uses around 10% of the world’s electricity consumption in 2020, a figure that could rise to 20% within five years.
  • Carbon impact:In addition to the energy, the manufacturing of devices and technology needed for the infrastructure has a massive carbon impact.
  • Wastage of energy:Consider the constant upgrading of products and software and the energy wasted when these products quickly become redundant in the ever-changing digital environment.
  • Extraction of rare metals in creation of computer terminal:Smartphones, laptops and tablets require the extraction of rare metals.
  • Light pollution generated by screens

What are the possible solutions?

  • Eco-friendly alternatives:To switch to recycled paper and eco-friendly office supplies or offer a cycle to work scheme for employees to help cut transportation emissions.
  • Partnering with green service providers and sourcing technology through environmentally conscious companies who use sustainable materials or even refurbish unwanted equipment.
  • Environmentalism: By aligning digital agency with the core values of environmentalism.

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