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Forest Fires & impact on Biodiversity

Published: 23rd Mar, 2024


For nearly a week now, forest fires have been raging in the Coonoor forest range in the Nilgiris in Tamil Nadu.

1: Dimension-Causes of Forest Fire

  • According to the Forest Survey of India, nearly 36 per cent of India’s forests are prone to frequent fires.
  • Several factors like temperatures, precipitation, vegetation, and moisture contribute to the scale and frequency of these fires.
  • Higher fire incidents are reported in March, April and May due to ample availability of dry biomass (fuel load) following the end of winter and the on-going summer season.
  • Most forest  fires are man-made due to changes in agriculture and unchecked land-use patterns.

2: Dimension-Impact of Forest Fire

  • Loss and displacement of species:The impact of recurrent forest fires leads to the direct loss of trees and wildlife.
  • Pushing towards extinction:Forest fires can meddle with the life cycle of species and push many of the threatened and endemic species closer to extinction.
    • Affecting growth:By destroying the leaves and foliage, a forest fire can significantly reduce the photosynthetic activity of surviving trees and thereby affect their growth.
    • Affected seedlings:It can also damage the seed bank, both above and below the ground, and wipe out the seedlings and saplings growing on the forest floor.
  • Impact on recovery rate:The loss of keystone organisms in forest ecosystems, such as invertebrates, pollinators, and decomposers, can significantly slow the recovery rate of the forest.
  • Serious impact of reproduction:Forest fires can also interfere with the reproduction and propagation of certain plants and animals. Such recurrent events can be deadly to the species that are native or endemic to the region.

Fact Box: India State of Forest Report (ISFR) 2021

  • 35.46% of India's forest cover is susceptible to forest fires.
  • Of this, 2.81% are extremely prone, 7.85% are very highly prone, and 11.51% are highly prone.
  • India's 45–64% of forests will be impacted by changing climate and rising temperatures by 2030.

Mains Practice Question

The frequency of forest fire incidents in India has increased by more than 50 percent in the last two decades. Discussing the reason for forest fires, highlight the mechanism for controlling forest fires. 

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