Quantum computing is going to be the next great leap in technology, with the ability to solve problems beyond the reach of today’s computers. Thus, it’s important to analyze India’s progress towards the new technology and address various gaps present.
What is Quantum technology?
What is Qubit?
The global quantum supremacy race (the current status)
India formally joined the race to quantum computing by establishing the National Mission for Quantum Technology and Applications (NM-QTA) in 2020. |
How Quantum technology can be a good ‘solution’?
What are the potential threats?
What are the present gaps in India’s approach?
What measures are required in India?
Heavy importer of technology In 2020, India imported hardware and software amounting to US $10.4 billion, while the tech exports were a mere US $0.3 billion. |
Wrapping Up
Currently there are various loopholes and policy gaps in India. With the persistent challenges, India is far behind to match pace with China and the US. Thus, India needs to identify the present challenges and work towards them. These will not only make India a competent contender in the global quantum race but also usher a new paradigm of technology policymaking in the country.
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