GS-IV: Ethics
In the beginning of this year, countries started the vaccination of their citizens. The vaccination drives were conducted according to the vulnerability of various groups of citizens. The first targeted were the frontline workers, medical staff, then people above 60 were vaccinated. Currently, India is in the process of vaccinating all its people above 45 years of age.
Why COVID-19 Vaccine scarcity increased?
What is the underlying objective of vaccination drive?
How Governments should react in this time of scarcity?
Ethical Issues in taking Vaccine when it's not your turn?
COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing and the death toll due to the disease is still rising. In such a scenario, distribution of vaccines to the most vulnerable, which can save maximum lives is need of the hour. Thus, both at national and individual level, following the ethically right path will help to control the pandemic in a swift and efficient manner, which will be beneficial to all.
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