Prime Minister has bowed to Jagadguru Basaveshwara on Basava Jayanthi which was observed this month.
Prime Minister has bowed to Jagadguru Basaveshwara on Basava Jayanthi which was observed this month.
Lord Basaveshwara
Founder of Lingayat cult
Basava’s Philosophy
Famous works
Who are Veerashaivas?
Who are Lingayats?
Lingayats as social reformer
This is the reason why, for over eight decades, Lingayats have been asking to be considered as a religion separate from Hinduism. While the Indian constitution was being drafted, Lingayat members of the constituent assembly such as S. Nijalingappa (representing Mumbai), H. Siddaveerappa (Mysore) B.N. Manavalli (Ramdurg) and RatnappaKumbar (leader of the Lingayats in Maharashtra) had argued that Lingayats should be listed as a separate religion. Lingayat groups and organisations have been insisting that the census commissioner of India should list Lingayats as a separate religion. Their argument is that if Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism – which were also born against the tenets of Hinduism – can be considered as separate religions, then why not Lingayats.
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