Recently, the Kerala Assembly has passed a resolution urging the Centre to rename the state as “Keralam” in the Constitution and all office records.
Key-Points in Resolution:
Historical Backings to the name Keralam:
Demands of Modern State- on the basis of language:
Why demands for states on linguistic basis emerged in Kerala?
How states can be renamed in India?
Constitutional Provisions:
The State reorganization Commission: The Fazl Ali Commission, also known as the States Reorganization Commission, was formed in 1953 to address the demands of different states in India for the reconstitution of states along linguistic lines. The commission was established in response to the popular demand for the formation of states based on common language and culture, which was also sponsored by the Indian National Congress before independence. The commission was headed by Justice Fazl Ali, with K.M. Pannikar and H.N. Kunzru as members. |
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