SEBI levying fine on NSE, its former M.D and CEO Chitra Ramkrihnan, her predecessor in NSE Ravi Narain and the Group Operating Officer of NSE Anand Subramanian.
What are MIIs?
What are the specific institutions in India that qualify as MIIs?
What is a depository?
The above named depository function as banks. The only difference being that as banks holds the money of depositors, these depositories electronically store the financial securities of investors
What is a Clearing House?
Clearing corporations, commonly known as clearing houses or clearing firms, are entities that are associated with stock exchanges constituted to act as a designated mediator between a buyer and a seller in a financial market. The primary function of a clearing house is validation and finalization of the transaction by ensuring that both – the seller and the buyer – honour their contractual obligations.
Why are they considered important?
Why are governance norms critical in the regulation of MIIs?
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