Several issues of mutual interest were discussed during the India-Russia annual summit but the agreement on an important Reciprocal Exchange of Logistics Agreement (RELOS) could not be reached.
About Arctic region:
Ecological Impact of Warming of Arctic Region:
Commercial Importance of Arctic Region:
Commercial Navigation:
India’s Interests in Arctic Region:
What is RELOS?
Significance for India:
The bilateral relationship between India and Russia has grown and matured over time, and needs to be carried forward in existing and new areas of mutual interest. The Arctic offers tremendous opportunities for enhancing this cooperation at the helm of which RELOS could act as perfect leverage.
India has very limited polar infrastructure and shipping capabilities to operate in the Arctic waters. Russia on the other hand is the only country in the world that maintains a strong dominance over Arctic shipping and other polar infrastructure capabilities required to operate in the region. Therefore, partnering with Russia via an agreement such as RELOS would offer tremendous support and opportunities to India in the Arctic. India’s primary engagements in the Arctic are focused on understanding scientific interconnections between Arctic sea ice melting and changes in Indian monsoon systems. India still cannot afford to lose the sight of geopolitical and geo-economic transitions emerging in the region, where states like China are pursuing dominant economic and strategic posturing in the region.
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