Recently, US Supreme Court pronounced the verdict and overturned ROE vs. WADE case and made abortion illegal.This judgment questioned the legitimacy of Supreme Court.
The brief aims to trace the departures in the Court’s behaviour, as well as discuss the continuities in its approaches to constitutional interpretation.
The concept of ‘Judicial Legitimacy’
Aspects of legitimacy:
What makes a court illegitimate?
Why a judicial verdict carries legitimacy?
Jacques Derrida (1992) says the law must not be just a law but it should be a ‘just’ law. |
Why is legitimacy important?
Erosion of credibility in case of India:
The executive need to ensure that the strength of the judiciary is adequate to discharge its constitutional duty of rendering effective justice to all within a reasonable time.
Way Forward
Supreme courts need to be vigilant about these threats to their “legitimacy”. They need to stand not just some distance away from the dynamics of political power, to avoid being pulled under by its eddies, but also some distance above these dynamics so that they can reflect on their privileged position and their sacred responsibility. They should follow the constitution and adjudicate on the matters which questions the constitutionality of the law.
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