What's New :
19th April 2022 (5 Topics)

National Security Council Secretariat organises National Cyber Security Incident Response Exercise (NCX India)


National Security Advisor recently inaugurated the National Cyber Security Incident Response Exercise.


About National Cyber Exercise (NCX) India:

  • National Cyber Exercise (NCX) India will be conducted as a hybrid exercise over a period of ten days from 18 to 29 April 2022 with the aim to train senior management and technical personnel of Government/Critical Sector organisations and agencies on contemporary cyber threats and handling cyber incidents and response.
  • The program is being conducted by the National Security Council Secretariat (NSCS), of India in association with Data Security Council of India (DSCI) as the Knowledge Partner and supported by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).
  • The platform for training is being provided by CyberExer Technologies, an Estonian cybersecurity company accredited for globally conducting several large cyber exercises.
  • The participants will be trained on various key cyber security areas such as Intrusion Detection Techniques, Malware Information Sharing Platform (MISP), Vulnerability Handling & Penetration Testing, Network Protocols & Data Flows, Digital Forensics, etc.
  • NCX India will help strategic leaders to better understand cyber threats, assess readiness, and develop skills for cyber crisis management and cooperation.
  • This will also help develop and test cybersecurity skills, teamwork, planning, communication, critical thinking, and decision-making.
  • Cyber Security remains the foundation of any successful Digital Transformation.
  • Any threat in cyberspace directly impacts our social, economic and National Security and therefore we need to safeguard our Cyberspace.

National Security Council (NSC) of India:

  • The National Security Council (NSC) of India is a three-tiered organization that oversees political, economic, energy and security issues of strategic concern.
  • It operates within the executive office of the prime minister of India, liaising between the government’s executive branch and the intelligence services, advising leadership on intelligence and security issues.
  • The National Security Council comprises the Strategic Policy Group, the National Security Advisory Board and a secretariat from the Joint Intelligence Committee.
  • The National Security Advisor presides over the NSC, and is also the primary advisor to the prime minister. 
  • Unlike its American counterpart, the National Security Council of India’s details remain opaque to the public.
    • This has been the case since its formation in 1998, when a broad outline of the structure was provided.

Data Security Council of India (DSCI):

  • Data Security Council of India (DSCI) is a not-for-profit, industry body on data protection in India.
  • It is setup by NASSCOM and committed to making the cyberspace safe, secure and trusted by establishing best practices, standards and initiatives in cyber security and privacy.
  • To further its objectives, DSCI engages with governments and their agencies, regulators, industry sectors, industry associations and think tanks for policy advocacy, thought leadership, capacity building and outreach activities.

Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO):

  • DRDO was formed in 1958 from the amalgamation of the then already functioning Technical Development Establishment (TDEs) of the Indian Army and the Directorate of Technical Development & Production (DTDP) with the Defence Science Organisation (DSO).
  • DRDO was then a small organisation with 10 establishments or laboratories.
  • Over the years, it has grown multi-directionally in terms of the variety of subject disciplines, number of laboratories, achievements and stature.
  • DRDO is the R&D wing of Ministry of Defence, Govt of India, with a vision to empower India with cutting-edge defence technologies.
  • The mission of DRDO is to achieve self-reliance in critical defence technologies and systems, while equipping our armed forces with state-of-the-art weapon systems and equipment in accordance with requirements lay down by the three Services.

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