81 per cent of the 20,000-plus responses received by the High Level Committee led by Ram Nath Kovind on One Nation, One Election have favoured the idea.
Lack of Opposition Engagement
High Level Committee's Public Notice: Union Law Ministry states majority favor simultaneous elections among 20,000-plus responses to the High Level Committee's public notice. Concerns arise about the Committee's perceived partisanship, led by former president Ram Nath Kovind.
Committee Composition and Opposition's Role: Eight members openly support the idea or align with the government's preferences.
Scattered Opposition Concerns: Piecemeal responses and lack of coordinated opposition.Thus, Concerns are expressed individually without a unified and comprehensive opposition strategy.
Justification for Simultaneous Elections
Constant Election Cycle: Frequent elections strain finances; supporters argue for cost efficiency and reduced burden on public resources. Acknowledgment that near-constant elections lead to short-term policy focus, affecting governance continuity.
Legitimacy and Democratic Structure: Fundamental changes require Opposition engagement; concerns about government's reluctance to address critical issues.
Opposition's Scattered Concerns: Opposition concerns are expressed individually without a consolidated effort to address the broader implications.
Call for Adequate Opposition Engagement
Transparency and Opposition Concerns: Committee assumes One Nation, One Election is in "national interest"; Opposition calls for unbiased terms.
Fundamental Change and Democratic Process: Opposition leaders essential in voicing concerns, ensuring transparency, and preventing unilateral decisions. Acknowledgment that a significant shift in democratic structure requires Opposition's substantive involvement for legitimacy.
Importance of Opposition's Voice: Opposition's voice crucial for a well-rounded discussion and decision-making in matters impacting the electoral process. Opposition should not be relegated to a token role but must actively contribute to the design of elections.