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1st July 2024 (11 Topics)



Recently, the US-Saudi Arabia petrodollar deal, which began in 1974, has come to an end after 50 years. This agreement was crucial as it involved Saudi Arabia selling oil exclusively for US dollars, thus strengthening the dollar's role in global finance.

About Petrodollars:

  • Petrodollars are US dollars earned by oil-exporting nations through the sale of crude oil.
  • This arrangement began after the US made a deal with Saudi Arabia and other OPEC countries to stabilize oil prices and ensure oil transactions were conducted in US dollars.
  • Background: Initially, the US dollar became the world's main reserve currency under the Bretton Woods Agreement after World War II. This system tied the dollar to gold, ensuring stability in global trade.
  • However, in 1971, President Nixon ended this gold backing, leading to floating exchange rates and economic uncertainties.
  • Following the Yom Kippur War in 1973, OPEC imposed an oil embargo, causing oil prices to surge. In response, the US negotiated with Saudi Arabia and OPEC to ensure oil sales in dollars, thus establishing the petrodollar system. In return, the US provided military and economic support.

Impact of Ending the Petrodollar Deal:

  • Saudi Arabia can sell oil for currencies like yuan, euros, rubles, and yen, and may even consider digital currencies such as Bitcoin.
  • This shift could encourage more countries to use alternative currencies for global trade.
  • The decline in global demand for the US dollar might lead to higher inflation, interest rates, and a weaker bond market in the US.

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