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13th December 2022 (5 Topics)

Pradhan Mantri Adi Adarsh Gram Yojna


Recently, the Ministry of Tribal Affairs has revamped the existing Scheme of ‘Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub-Scheme (SCA to TSS)’ with the nomenclature ‘Pradhan Mantri Adi Adarsh Gram Yojna (PMAAGY)’, for implementation during 2021-22 to 2025-26.



  • Aim:
  • To transform villages with significant tribal populations into ‘model villages (Adarsh Gram)’ covering about the population of 4.22 crore (About 40% of the total Tribal Population). 
  • To achieve integrated socio-economic development of selected villages through a convergence approach.
  • It is envisaged to cover 36,428 villages having at least 50% tribal population and 500 STs across States / UTs with notified STs.
  • Key provisions:
  • Planning: It includes preparing Village Development Plan based on the needs, potential, and aspirations.
  • Focus group: It also includes maximizing the coverage of individual/family benefit schemes of the Central / State Governments and improving the infrastructure in vital sectors like health, education, connectivity and livelihood.
  • Sectors covered: It will mitigate gaps prominently in 8 sectors of development Road connectivity (Internal and Intervillage /block), Telecom connectivity (Mobile /internet), Schools, Anganwadi Centres, Health Sub-Centre, Drinking water facility, Drainage and solid waste management.
  • Fund allocation: A sum of Rs20.38 lakh per village as ‘Gap-filling’ has been provisioned for approved activities including administrative expenses under PMAAGY.
  • Besides States / UTs are encouraged for convergence of resources as Central / State Scheduled Tribe Component (STC) funds and other financial resources available with them for saturation of gaps in the villages identified under PMAAGY.

Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub-Scheme (SCA to TSS):

  • Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub Scheme (SCA to TSS) is part of the Umbrella Scheme for Development of Scheduled Tribes which is now a ‘Core of the Core Scheme.
    • The core of the core scheme includes the ‘umbrella scheme for development of scheduled castes, umbrella scheme for development of minorities, and the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Generation Scheme.’
  • Objective: It supplements the efforts of State Governments for the development and welfare of tribal people by extending Special Central Assistance as an additive to the State Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP).

Other Government Initiatives for Tribals:

  • Van Bandhu Kalyan Yojana (VKY) aims at creating enabling environment for the need-based and outcome-oriented holistic development of the tribal people.
  • Van Dhan Scheme: The scheme will be implemented through the Ministry of Tribal Affairs and TRIFED as Nodal Agency at the National Level.
  • At the State level, the State Nodal Agency for MFPs and the District collectors are envisaged to play a pivot role in scheme implementation at the grassroots level.
  • Locally the Kendras are proposed to be managed by a Managing Committee (an SHG) consisting of representatives of Van Dhan SHGs in the cluster.

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