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India for Humanity Initiative

Published: 23rd Oct, 2018

Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) launched ‘India for Humanity’ initiative in honour of Mahatma Gandhi and his selfless contribution to humanity.


  • Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) launched ‘India for Humanity’ initiative in honour of Mahatma Gandhi and his selfless contribution to humanity.


  • The initiative involves organizing a year-long series of artificial limb fitment camps in a number of countries across the globe.
  • The limb fitment camps aim to provide for the physical, economic and social rehabilitation of the differently-abled around the world.
  • Through the initiative, people in needcan regain their mobility and dignity, and become self-respecting and productive members of the society,
  • Initially, the camps will be organised in 12 countries with full financial assistance from the Government of India.
  • Initiative is rolled out in collaboration with BhagwanMahaveerViklangSahayataSamiti (BMVSS aka Jaipur foot).

    BhagwanMahaveerViklangSahayataSamiti (BMVSS):

    A well-known charitable organisation founded in 1975, and better known by its trademark limb 'Jaipur Foot', BMVSS is among the world's largest organisations for the fitment of artificial limbs. It has served over 1.73 million amputees till date.

    Jaipur Foot/Jaipur Leg is a rubber-based prosthetic leg for people with below-knee amputations. Compared to the composite carbon fibre variants, it is considered an inferior alternative but its variable applicability and cost efficiency makes it an acceptable choice for prosthesis. It was developed by Ram Chandra Sharma 1968.


‘India for Humanity’ is a novel initiative of MEA to make the world more inclusive for those who are less fortunate. This will set a right precedent in front of countries to cooperate and collaborate in the arena of work related to marginalised and neglected groups of the world. Such humanitarian gestures of India, inspired by Gandhian ideals of love, compassion and humility, will consolidate India’s credibility as a world leader at international platforms. Thus, the initiative adds another gem to India’s soft power diplomacy.

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