Since the Prime Minister has made promises at the climate change conference at Glasgow, the government now has converted two of those into official targets, which would now be part of India’s International climate commitments for 2030.
What is Carbon dioxide equivalent? A CO? equivalent (CO?e) is a unit of measurement that is used to standardise the climate effects of various greenhouse gases.
The Panchamrita Points
What changes have been made in predetermined targets?
Which targets were further added as NDC by India?
India has determined to achieve the goals till 2030 with making the below goals addition to them:
Net-zero emissions India has also promised for Net-zero emissions till 2070; which means that a situation in which a country’s greenhouse gas emissions are offset entirely, either by absorption of carbon dioxide through natural processes like photosynthesis in plants, or through physical removal of greenhouse gases using futuristic technologies. |
Present situation
India’s Hardships to eliminate coal
Contrary to the Official reports of India, Global stance regarding India’s situation is a bit different.
Government Interventions in path of achieving those targets
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