Niti Aayog had earlier floated the ‘National Health Stack’ paper as “implementation framework” for Ayushman Bharat. After holding consultations on it, the Ministry of Health formed a committee under former UIDAI chairman and former MeitY secretary, which drafted the ‘National Digital Health Blueprint 2019’.
Niti Aayog had earlier floated the ‘National Health Stack’ paper as “implementation framework” for Ayushman Bharat. After holding consultations on it, the Ministry of Health formed a committee under former UIDAI chairman and former MeitY secretary, which drafted the ‘National Digital Health Blueprint 2019’.
National Health Stack
Why is there need of NHS?
National Digital Health Blueprint
The need of the hour is to elevate the existing systems from providing disparate electronic services to integrated digital services. We need to clearly adopt the principles of Enterprise Architecture, if we must leverage the digital technologies to achieve the vision of NHP 2017.
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