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Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY)

Published: 22nd Sep, 2023


In a statement by the Prime Minister, PMMSY has expanded inland fishing even to landlocked States and has made fishing an occupation for many across the country.


  • The government has recently announced investment of Rs. 6,000 crore as a sub scheme under the PMMSY, taking total investment into fisheries to more than Rs.38,500 crore over the last nine years.

PradhanMantriMatsyaSampadaYojana (PMMSY):

  • PMMSY was introduced as part of the ‘AtmaNirbhar Bharat’ package with an investment of Rs. 20,050 crores, the highest-ever investment in this sector.
  • The scheme is being implemented in all States and UTs for a period of 5 years from FY 2020-21 to FY 2024-25.
  • The Government has launched the PMMSY for the development of marine & inland fisheries.
  • There are provisions of Ban Period Support to fishermen (during the period fishing is not permitted).
  • The focus will be on Islands, Himalayan States, and North-east & Aspirational Districts.
  • Objectives:
    • Harness the potential of the fisheries sector in a sustainable, responsible, inclusive and equitable manner
    • Enhance fish production and productivity through expansion, intensification, diversification and productive utilisation of land and water
    • Modernise and strengthen the value chain including post-harvest management and quality improvement
    • Double fishers' and fish farmers’ incomes and generate meaningful employment
    • Enhance the contribution of the fisheries sector to agricultural Gross Value Added (GVA) and exports
    • Ensure social, physical and economic security for fishers and fish farmers
    • Build a robust fisheries management and regulatory framework.

Achievements till now:

  • The PMMSY has helped to expand fisheries to non-traditional areas.
  • Almost 20,000 hectares of fresh pond area is being brought under inland aquaculture, and even in landlocked Haryana and Rajasthan, farmers are successfully converting their saline waste lands into wealth lands through aquaculture.
  • The PMMSY has empowered fisher women to explore remunerative options and alternative livelihoods, such as ornamental fisheries, pearl culture, and seaweed cultivation.
  • India is now counted among the world’s top three countries in fish and aquaculture production, and is also the biggest shrimp exporter in the world.

Other Initiatives Related to Fisheries Sector

  • SagarParikrama
  • Palk Bay Scheme
  • Fisheries and Aquaculture Infrastructure Development Fund (FIDF)

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