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Sant Ravidas--the mystic Guru of Bhakti movement

Published: 24th Sep, 2019

Amid the State-wide protest by Ravidas community over the alleged demolition of a temple in New Delhi on the purported direction of apex court, Punjab Chief Minister on Sunday sought Prime Minister’s intervention to pacify the community leaders.


Amid the State-wide protest by Ravidas community over the alleged demolition of a temple in New Delhi on the purported direction of apex court, Punjab Chief Minister on Sunday sought Prime Minister’s intervention to pacify the community leaders.


  • Guru Ravidas was a famous saint of the Bhakti Movement and was born in 1377 C.E. at Mandhuadhe which is located in Uttar Pradesh, India.
  • He was one of the most famous and leading star of the nirguna sampradaya means sant parampara and lead the North Indian Bhakti movement.
  • He has given variety of spiritual and social messages through his great writings of poetry to his lovers, followers, community people, and society people to reform their mind and show their boundless love towards God.
  • He was the vision of people as a messiah in order to complete the social and spiritual needs. He was the spiritually rich person worshipped by the people.
  • Guru Ravidas was also known as Raidas, Rohidas or Ruhidas.

 His Association with Meera Bai

  • Sant Guru Ravidas Ji is considered as a spiritual Guru of the Meera Bai
  • She was very impressed by the teachings of Guru Ravidass Ji and became the great follower of him.
  • Meera Bai has written some lines in the respect of his Guru “Guru Milyaa Ravidas Ji …”

His Involvement in Social Issues

  • He was sent by the God on the earth when required him to save the real Dharma as at that time social and religious patterns were distressing because of the lots of manmade discriminations over social beliefs, caste, color and etc.
  • He bravely faced all the discriminations and answered people about the real definition of beliefs and castes.
  • He taught people that one is not known by his caste, religion or believes for God, he known only for his great actions (or karma). He also worked against the system of untouchability in the society by the higher caste people for lower caste people.
  • He spread a message that “God created man and not man created God” means everyone is created by the God and has equal rights on this earth.

Guru Ravi Das’s teachings relevant today

  • Every citizen of the country should work for the welfare of society and serve the humanity selflessly as preached by Guru Ravi Dass Ji Maharaj.
  • Teachings of great spiritual saint inspire us to lead a righteous life. There were five human values of Sathya, Dharma, Shanti, Prema and Ahimsa. These human values were taught by saints of all religions, which confer inner bliss.
  • Propagate the message of Guru Ravi Dass Ji to every nook and corner of the country to fight the evils of casteism, communalism, corruption which have engulfed the society today.

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