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SIMBEX - 2018

Published: 22nd Nov, 2018

The 25thedition of Singapore-India Maritime Bilateral Exercise (SIMBEX) was held from 10th to 21st November 2018 off Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal.


  • The 25thedition of Singapore-India Maritime Bilateral Exercise (SIMBEX) was held from 10th to 21st November 2018 off Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal.
  • This year’s edition marks the Silver Jubilee of SIMBEX. To mark the historical occasion, both navies are undertaking exercises over an extended geography.  
  • SIMBEX 2018 will be the largest edition since 1994 in terms of scale and complexity.


Singapore India Maritime Bilateral Exercise (SIMBEX) 

  • It is an annual bilateral naval exercise conducted by the Navies of India and the Republic of Singapore.
  • The exercise is held annually since 1994.
  • Over the years, SIMBEX has progressed beyond its original emphasis on anti-submarine warfare to include elements of maritime security, anti-air and anti-surface warfare.
  • The 2017 edition of the exercise was held off Singapore in the South China Sea.

    Facts on India-Singapore relations:

    • The robust relationship between the two countries was elevated to ‘Strategic Partnership’ in 2015.
    • In June 2018, on the side-lines of the Shangrila Dialogue, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore inked many agreements including those under the ‘Defence and Strategic Partnership Sectors.’


During the exercise, the number of missiles and torpedo firings being undertaken are unprecedented and the largest the Indian Navy has undertaken with any foreign Navy till date, indicative of the growing trust and operational comfort between the two navies.


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