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What is Bhumi Samvaad?

Published: 24th Nov, 2023


Union Minister of Rural Development organised Bhumi Samvaad VII in North East of India.

What is Bhumi Samvaad?

  • It attempts to build upon the commonalities that exist in the arena of land records in various States to develop an appropriate Integrated Land Information Management System (ILIMS) across the country, on which different States can also add State-specific needs as they may deem relevant and appropriate.

ILIMS: The system contains information on parcel ownership, land use, taxation, location boundaries, land value, encumbrances and many more.

  • It is being implemented by the Department of Land Resources (Ministry of Rural Development).
  • Aim of the scheme is to usher in a system of updated land records, automated and automatic mutation, integration between textual and spatial records, inter-connectivity between revenue and registration, to replace the present deeds registration and presumptive title system with that of conclusive titling with title guarantee.

Components of Bhumi Samvaad:

  • Computerization of land records.
  • Survey/re-survey.
  • Computerization of Registration.
  • Modern record rooms/land records management centres at tehsil/taluk/circle/block level.
  • Training & capacity building.


  • Real-time land ownership records will be available to the citizen.
  • Free accessibility to the records will reduce interface between the citizen and the Government functionaries, thereby reducing rent seeking and harassment.
  • Public-Private Partnership (PPP)mode of service delivery will further reduce citizen interface with Govt. machinery, while adding to the convenience.
  • The single-window service or the web-enabled “anytime-anywhere” access will save the citizen time and effort in obtaining RoRs (Record of Rights), etc.
  • Automatic and automated mutations will significantly reduce the scope of fraudulent property deals.
  • Conclusive titlingwill also significantly reduce litigation.
  • Certificates based on land data (e.g., domicile, caste, income, etc.) will be available to the citizen through computers.
  • This method will permit e-linkages to credit facilities.
  • Information on eligibility for Government programs will be available, based on the data.

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