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18th March 2023 (7 Topics)

Rajasthan gets 19 new districts


Rajasthan CM announced the formation of 19 new districts and 3 new divisions in the state. The state now has a total of 50 districts

What is the Procedure to form a new District?

  • The power to create new districts or alter or abolish existing districts rests with the State governments.
    • This can either be done through an executive order or by passing a law in the State Assembly.
  • The Centre has no role to play in the alteration of districts or the creation of new ones. States are free to decide on this matter.
  • Name change: If the state government wants to change the name of a district or a railway station, then the Home Ministry comes into the picture.
    • The State government will propose a new name to a district and forward the proposal to the Home ministry. The Home Ministry will forward the proposal to other departments.
    • After that, the departments such as the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Intelligence Bureau, Department of Posts, Geographical Survey of India Sciences, and the Railway Ministry, provide their clearance to the proposal of the state government.
    • After examination of their replies, the state government receives a no-objection certificate. Then the name of the district stand changed.

Advantages of forming new districts

Associated challenges

  • Better administration
  • Smaller district ensures better governance
  • Serve a large population
  • Bring administration closer to the people
  • New districts attract more district-specific schemes
  • Increase employment
  • Increase in expenditure and resources
  • Substitute for genuine decentralization
  • Increases cost of living in new districts
  • A Political move
  • Underutilization of administration



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