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8th June 2024 (15 Topics)

Remoulding the Global Plastics Treaty

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The ongoing discussions for an international legally binding treaty on plastic pollution emphasize the importance of ensuring a fair transition for informal waste collectors and recyclers. This treaty aims to address the burgeoning issue of plastic waste and integrate informal workers into the formal waste management systems.

Role and Challenges of Informal Recycling Workers:

  • Plastic Waste Statistics: The OECD Global Plastic Outlook reports that global plastic waste production was 353 million tonnes in 2019, with projections to triple by 2060. Only 9% of this waste was recycled, with informal workers responsible for 85% of the recycling.
  • Debate Over Recognition and Vulnerability: The informal waste collectors face challenges due to increasing privatization, waste-to-energy projects, and exclusion from Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) norms. These factors contribute to their livelihood vulnerabilities.
  • Consideration of IWRS: Informal waste workers alleviate financial burdens on municipal budgets and contribute significantly to reducing plastic pollution by promoting circular waste management solutions.

Global Treaty and Need for a Just Transition:

  • Global Plastics Treaty: The Global Plastics Treaty aims to establish a legally binding agreement to reduce and eliminate plastic pollution. The International Alliance of Waste Pickers (IAWP), a participant in the UNEA Plastic Treaty process, emphasises the importance of integrating informal waste pickers into discussions on addressing plastics.
  • Enforcement Challenges: Clarifying definitions and establishing a universally agreed-upon terminology for the informal waste sector and a just transition is essential for effective policy and law implementation.
  • India’s Role: As a key representative from the Global South, India promotes an approach that enhances repair, reuse, refill, and recycling without necessarily eliminating the use of plastics altogether. India’s informal waste pickers, who are indispensable, remain central to the discussion.

UPSC Mains Questions

Q.Discuss the role of informal waste collectors in global waste management systems. How can the Global Plastics Treaty ensure their fair transition and integration into formal waste management systems?

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