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6th December 2022 (8 Topics)

SC to host a ‘hackathon’ event for the first time


The Supreme Court (SC), for the first time, is going to host a ‘hackathon’ event, to involve the public and the youth of the country to bring innovations to make the justice delivery system more efficient.


About the event:

  • Aim: To focus the court’s efforts to find an independent and exclusive online platform to Livestream proceedings of courts around the country for public consumption.
  • Need: The Supreme Court lacks the technical and infrastructural expertise to independently host live streaming of apex court hearings and was constrained to depend on third-party apps and solutions.

The court is currently live-streaming its Constitution Bench hearings through the National Informatics Centre (NIC) webcast on YouTube.

  • Outcomes:
  • The hackathon event would be organized under the supervision of Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul.
  • Presentations of 18 of the best ideas would be made before the Chief Justice, apex court judges, and others.
  • Suggestions made by the participants should be within the ambit of the provisions of the Supreme Court Rules, 2013.

The objective of the SC:

  • To move from paper to online mode for justice delivery
  • Taking Digital inclusion forward
  • To improve its system for filing of cases and an automated system for listing them before various Benches with minimum human interface.

Recent developments:

  • Presently, the court has lawyers joining in for hearings both physically and virtually.
  • There is an app for registered lawyers and journalists on the Supreme Court website.
  • Virtual links on WebEx are also shared with lawyers and litigants who appear in person for their cases.

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