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1st February 2024 (10 Topics)

Short News



PFRDA invites bids for selection of System Integrator (SI) for design, development, implementation and maintenance of  PFRDA-TRACE (Tracking Reporting Analytics & Compliance E-Platform)


  • It is a part of Technology Architecture (TARCH) project.
  • PFRDA-TRACE will serve as a comprehensive tool for submitting regulatory and supervisory compliance reports by intermediaries, sharing reports and data with PFRDA, monitoring functions, facilitating a workflow for PFRDA departments to review and track submissions, enabling communication of observations and remarks, and incorporating a validation process for reports and data submitted by intermediaries.
  • The PFRDA-TRACE is the second phase of the TARCH project, and PFRDA is selecting a System Integrator (SI) vendor specifically for this module.
  • The System Integrator will be responsible for studying the existing processes, proposing improved workflows, and providing design, development, customisation, implementation, and maintenance services for PFRDA-TRACE.
  • The successful bidder will play a crucial & pivotal role in PFRDA's digital transformation journey.


Maritime Single Window and MMD Modules in Sagar Setu (NLP-Marine)

Transforming India's Maritime Operations through Digitization


  • NLP Marine is a one-stop platform aimed at connecting all the stakeholders of the logistics community using IT.
  • Soon two cutting-edge digital modules, the Maritime Single Window (MSW) and the Mercantile Maritime Department (MMD), on the Sagar Setu (NLP-M) platform.
  • Maritime Single Window (MSW) module in Sagar Setu (NLP-M), is a digital platform or system that enables the electronic submission, processing, and exchange of maritime-related information and documents between government authorities, port operators, and stakeholders involved in international maritime trade.
  • This module was successfully tested with the official of Directorate General of Shipping along with Shipping Agents, Trade Associations and Port Official of all Major Ports.
  • Mercantile Maritime Department (MMD) module in Sagar Setu (NLP-M), which is digital platform that provides vessel detention and vessel release status information.
  • MMD module will help Mercantile Maritime Department in sharing the vessel surveys information in Sagar Setu platform.
  • These modules are part of the broader digital initiatives undertaken by the Ministry of Ports, Shipping, and Waterways to propel the maritime sector into the future.

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